Earthquake Emergency Appeal
Over 47,000 dead and the number is rising every hour.
The Messenger (ﷺ) said: “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” (Al-Tirmidhi)
“No Muslim clothes a Muslim with a garment, except that he is under the protection of Allah as long as a shred from it remains upon him.” Source: Tirmidhi
Two new powerful earthquakes have hit the Turkey-Syria border today, 2 weeks after the devastating quakes on February 6 that killed at least 47,000 people. Lives are still at risk. We’re on the ground right now working in some of the most hard to reach places providing emergency food, medical aid, warmth and shelter in their time of need. Help us reach more.
£100 – Emergency aid – help us to provide urgent food, water, and medical aid to earthquake survivors.
Surviving families have lost their homes, their clothing, their food, and places to keep warm from the cold. Medical care and medicines are difficult to access.
Our teams have been on the ground delivering emergency food, shelter and medical supplies since a few hours after the magnitude 7.8 and 7.5 earthquakes hit cities near the Türkiye-Syria border. Now we are also clearing rubble from key roads to ensure more aid gets to those in need, improving water supplies, and supporting dedicated outreach teams for women and children.
Please continue to give to our Turkey and Syria Earthquake Emergency appeal and help us support more people affected today.
The earthquakes come amid biting winter temperatures, leaving those made homeless by the disaster vulnerable to hypothermia. In northern Syria, the shelters for homeless families are severely overcrowded, with two or three families sharing a single small tent – as there are not enough tents to go around. There are growing fears of outbreaks of water-borne diseases such as cholera and typhoid, as water supplies have been damaged or contaminated.
Thousands of homes have been affected, and families are now living in exposed, open areas; in their cars; in make-shift shelters, and in temporary accommodation. Human Appeal is on the ground right now working in close coordination with the local authorities and UN coordination to deliver urgently needed aid. Current efforts include providing hot meals, hygiene kits, winter kits and vital medical care to affected families, who are in urgent need.
Please support the earthquake survivors in Turkey and Syria.

Winter Emergency Aid
The teams of Swiss Barakah Charity will be on site to distribute bread, hot meals, blankets and winter packages with life-saving items.
Food Parcel
Helping Save Lives this Winter.
Warm Blankets for the Needy.
Hot Meals
Give Hot Meals for the most needy.
Building houses for Refugees.
Bank Transfer
You can transfer money direct into our Donations Account at:
Barakah Charity UK
Bank Name: Virgin Money
Sort Code: 82-11-07
Account number: 70472650
International Transfers
You can transfer money direct into our Donations Account at:
Barakah Charity UK
Bank Name: Virgin Money
IBAN: GB02CLYD82110770472650